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General Donations

In Memory Of

In Honor Of

Church Collection

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Christmas Cards

Collecting: an Ongoing Miracle

Miracles happen daily in our Home – our benefactors and friends are the instruments through which God makes them happen.

Just as St. Jeanne Jugan walked the roads of France experiencing everyday miracles, the collecting continues to be at the heart of our charism and mission today. It’s a living tradition that sustains our mission and proves that miracles of Providence still happen!

In years gone by the collecting Little Sisters were known by the horse-drawn wagon in which they made the rounds through the city neighborhoods. Although today we use a van rather than horses, we keep the tradition alive as we “go out collecting” throughout the Pittsburgh area each day.

The Church Collections

With the blessing of Bishop David Zubik, we continue to reach out to the people of the Diocese of Pittsburgh through church collections. Visiting the parishes of the diocese deepens the friendships we have already forged and gives the faithful an opportunity to share in our mission.

Ways to Give

The day-to-day cost of operating a large facility and providing for the elderly poor who have outlived their resources is costly. Caring for the elderly poor in a manner respectful of their dignity far exceeds the income received from the Residents’ pensions, Social Security, Medicaid or Medicare. Reimbursements from these sources cover less than half of the actual annual cost of care. To cover this constant deficit, we rely on your generosity and donations.

Our ministry is made possible through benefactors who share our belief in assisting those less fortunate. We pray that you will join our family of benefactors and share the joy of caring for the needy aged.


Gifts can be made by cash, check, stocks, bonds or other liquid assets. Send checks payable to the Little Sisters of the Poor at 1028 Benton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15212. VISA, MasterCard and Discover are also accepted over the phone at (412) 307-1267 or online via links above

Gifts can also be made in memory or in honor of someone special. To do this, please send a check made out to the Little Sisters of the Poor along with the name of the person you are memorializing or honoring and the contact information of someone you would like us to notify about the gift. We will share your name and address with that person, but not the amount of the gift. Memorials can also be taken over the telephone using a credit card.



Planned Giving: Be part of the James P. Wall Legacy Society by notifying our home that you have included the Little Sisters of the Poor in your estate plans. Wills, Annuities, or Life insurance beneficiaries are just some of the possibilities. Legacy gifts help to keep our Home running. Please call (412) 307-1268 to discuss planned giving opportunities.

Donations can be made to the Little Sisters through the United Way. Our donor option number in Pittsburgh is 244. If you are not in the Pittsburgh area, please contact your local United Way office.

Matching Gifts: If you work for an employer who provides a match, please consider enclosing a matching gift form with your next donation. Click here to find out your employer’s matching gift procedures.

The Little Sisters of the Poor have partnered with Vehicles for Charity for used car donations. If you have a used car (running or not) that you would like to donate to benefit the Home please contact Vehicles for Charity, click here.

Visit our Amazon Wish List to donate items most needed at the Home.

Gifts in-kind are greatly appreciated! Please see our current wish list.

For more information on how to assist our Home, please call the Development Office at (412) 307-1268 or Thank you for helping our Home to continue to care for the elderly poor with dignity and respect!

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you are older than 70 1/2 and have an IRA, you can make a Qualified Charitable Donation to the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Under current tax law, you may get a very attractive tax break if you donate directly to the Little Sisters of the Poor as part of that RMD. If the donation is made directly from your IRA to a qualified charity such as the Little Sisters, it will be excluded from your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) when it’s time to file your next tax return.

The specific impact depends on your personal income tax circumstances and should be reviewed with your tax advisor. To learn how to make the donation otherwise known as Qualified Charitable Distribution in compliance with the tax code, consult the custodian of your IRA. To ensure your gift is directed here, please use our IRS name Little Sisters of the Poor of the State of Pennsylvania (EIN 25-0974310) at 1028 Benton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212.

This tax-advantaged strategy is available to anyone starting at age 70 1/2. Qualified Charitable Donations can be made up to $100,000 in the current tax year.

Many things are needed on an on-going basis to care for the elderly in our Home. If you can donate items, please feel free to drop them off at our front desk or call us at (412) 307-1100 for more information.

Interested in other ways of helping us? Email our Collecting Sister at or call (412) 726-23828.

Thank you for being a part of the miracle.

Donations to the Little Sisters of the Poor Sts. Peter and Paul Home are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.

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Current financial statements available upon request